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System Leadership Structure - Collaborative Model of Learning 

Model of Learning infographic.

System leadership meetings are monthly opportunities for principals, vice-principals and managers to learn together with the senior team about strategies needed to implement DDSB’s ‘big three’ policies (Indigenous Education, Human Rights, Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Racism and Safe and Respectful Workplace and Harassment Prevention) and other board priorities including Multi-Year Strategic Plan initiatives.  This year the focus of meetings was a Policy into Practice collaborative leading and learning campaign that explored leadership strategies connected to the policies including Policy into Practice.

Policy Into Practice infographic.

The learning included a wide variety of issues and topics related to addressing all forms of discrimination and an overall focus on embedding and applying Indigenous and human rights principles and duty bearer responsibilities into decision making across the entire District. 

Duty Bearer Responsibilities: Main Roles infographic

Gathering feedback from participants to guide next steps for future learning was an essential component to the work of the Policy into Practice campaign and in fall 2023, the Practice into Impact campaign was launched. 

Practice into impact.  Leadership is about impact infographic.

Strategic Priorities

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